Welcome to my site...

I am certain my first camera was ordered from the back of a laundry detergent box, I was 10, that was 1966.

My real camera was a course requirement for Geology 101 in college. My father purchased a 35mm Minolta from Caldor; a long gone discount store chain in Avon, Connecticut. From this point on, photography became a life long interest.

In 1997 I moved to Los Altos Hills, California and attended Foothill College for photography. Since then my motivation and genuine love of photography has grown. I have taken tens of thousands of photos, everywhere, everyone, everything.

My goal is to capture that precise moment, a telling expression, an unanticipated breeze, a vibrant color, deliberately with genuine intuition and creativity.

I enjoy natural, spontaneous moments to capture that will exceed my clients expectations.

Babies. Children. Sporting Events. Functions. Families. Real Estate. Seniors.